July 2021 Epilogue: The Old Mattersight v. CallMiner Patent Spat Has Settled. YAWN.

This is likely a settlement in which no money changes hands, and each side is simply granted perpetual licenses to the other’s patents — and they both declare victory and go home:

The parties have reached an agreement in principle to resolve all claims asserted in this case and are in the process of finalizing a written agreement. In light of the agreement in principle and contemplated dismissal, the parties respectfully move this Court to stay all deadlines in connection with the above-captioned lawsuit for a period of 30-days while the parties finalize the terms of the agreement….

The court just ordered a stay of all deadlines and filings, as of this morning, July 1, 2021. This one is over — as is this blog — in all likelihood.

Be excellent to one another. Grinning….